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If you told me six years ago that I would one day write an article about how to grow waist-length locks, I would have thrown back my head (of short, damaged hair) in laughter.

As someone whose unruly curls were the bane of her middle school existence, I made it my mission to achieve sleek strands throughout high school. That meant straightening my hair every single day for 4 years.

While constant flat ironing unexpectedly became an arm-strengthening workout, it was seriously weakening my strands. My once long corkscrew curls became short tufts of frizz that always required heat styling. So, I proceeded to fry my locks to the point of breakage without even a spritz of heat protectant (I didn’t know it existed!).

In 2013, I decided to begin my healthy hair journey. Growing curly hair is already hard, so growing out fried curls while still using hot tools seemed downright impossible. However, after considerable research, hours of trial and error, and 2 years of waiting, I was able to resuscitate my dead hair and grow it significantly.


UNI Cosmetics Blog is fully dedicated to promoting articles on hair, make-up, nails, body, fashion and many other educative topics. All the topics, videos, photos are produced with a high commitment, by engaging professionals in each of the subject, with the aim to provide instructions for your daily style!