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Once you’ve repaired and strengthened your weak hair, here’s what you need to do to prevent it from happening again.

Keep Bleaching and Hair Color to a Minimum

Bleach and hair color draws moisture from the hair, which leads to damage. It’s okay to indulge in these practices occasionally but frequently, it has the potential to be very damaging to your hair. If you color your hair often, compromise on other aspects of your routine. Try to cut out heat styling or keep it to a minimum and don’t skip routine haircuts.

Get a Haircut Every 8 to 12 Weeks

If you’re prone to split ends, schedule a routine haircut every two to three months. This will help to keep the splits under control, which means they won’t move further up the hair shaft and turn into breakage.

Use a Wide Tooth Comb Instead of a Brush

A hairbrush creates aggressive tugging motions on the hair, which can lead to breakage, especially if you’re using a brush to remove stubborn tangles. Instead, use a wide tooth comb because the large spaces between the teeth are gentle on the hair and provide more control, which helps to minimize the harsh pulling.

Take Biotin

According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), taking biotin or vitamin B7 supplements can help boost hair growth in some individuals. Talk to your doctor before adding supplements and vitamins into your diet.

Eats Foods That Are High in Fatty Acids

Another study by the NCBI found that adding foods that are rich in fatty acids, like Omega-3 and Omega-6 can improve hair density. Foods that are high in fatty acids include salmon, eggs, walnuts and soybeans. If you already love and indulge in these foods regularly, it’s no loss if you don’t find that they improve your hair health, but if they do it’ll be a nice benefit to your existing diet.


UNI Cosmetics Blog is fully dedicated to promoting articles on hair, make-up, nails, body, fashion and many other educative topics. All the topics, videos, photos are produced with a high commitment, by engaging professionals in each of the subject, with the aim to provide instructions for your daily style!