Si të arrini shkëlqimin e fytyrës sikur ai pas tretmanëve

Let’s face it, facials are pricey. As much as self-care deserves to be a priority, it can be difficult to set aside the dough for a recommended once-a-month facial. But money shouldn’t be holding you back from healthier skin—introducing, at-home facials. That’s right, you can still give your face some much-needed TLC at home. Store these products in your cabinet and that post-facial glow is right in your bathroom. Here’s our simple nine step recipe.

  1. Cleanse

This one’s a given. Every effective beauty treatment starts with a fresh, clean canvas.

  1. Exfoliate

Next, eliminate dead skin cells with a gentle, but effective exfoliant. This also preps skin for the steps to come and allows for better absorption.

  1. Essence/Toner

Hydrate, soothe and maintain your skin’s natural balance with an essence and/or toner. The fluid formula will penetrate into skin almost instantaneously.

  1. Peel

Let’s speed up skin renewal with a gentle peel that smooths away dead skin cells to reveal a brighter, refined complexion minus the irritation.

  1. Mask

Customize your facial with the mask your skin is dying for right now: deep cleansing, hydrating, anti-aging, firming, or the perfect combo with a little bit of each. Apply, relax and zen out.

  1. Massage

An at-home facial doesn’t have to sacrifice the best part: the massage, obviously. Replicate an esthetician’s kneading massage with a facial roller. It’ll release and regulate energy, drain toxins, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and contour and tighten the skin. We can’t overlook the relaxation benefits, either.

  1. Treat

Next, treat your skin with a serum that targets specific concerns with effective, active ingredients. Taking your skin’s needs into consideration, determine which serums are right for you, and apply away.

  1. Eye cream

For a truly relaxed, post-spa look, an eye cream is a must. De-puff, hydrate and brighten the under-eye area with an antioxidant-rich cream.

  1. Moisturize

End on a soothing note with an extra hydrating moisturizer that locks in all the goodness.


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