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Drs. Baxt and Katta stress that keeping your skin looking its best requires more than a skin care routine. Here’s the are key skin-healthy habits they recommend:

Stop tanning. “Tanning is 100% awful for your skin and your health,” says Dr. Baxt. Every day dermatologists tell their patients that it can cause wrinkles, brown spots, and skin cancer. Dr. Baxt’s advice: “If you use tanning beds or any other indoor tanning device, stop immediately.”

Protect your skin from the sun. To protect your skin from the sun, the AAD recommends that you seek shade, cover up with clothing, and wear sunscreen that offers SPF 30 or higher, broad-spectrum protection, and water resistance.”

Protecting your skin from the sun every day that you go outside is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin healthy.

Dr. Baxt sees many women who think that makeup with SPF protects them. To get the SPF benefits, you’d have to use a makeup that has SPF 30 or higher. You’d also have to reapply your makeup every two hours.

Don’t scrub your skin. Dr. Baxt says, “Scrubbing usually irritates your skin and then makes it hard to tolerate helpful products.”

Always remove your makeup before going to bed. Leaving makeup on while you sleep can age your skin more quickly and cause breakouts.

Limit sugar. Dr. Katta tells her patients that sugar is an ingredient you want to limit. 

Source: American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

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