Sa më të mira kushtet në të cilat gjenden flokët tuaja, aq më shumë...

As the worlds of beauty and cutting-edge science continue to crossover, the role we play in our hair health has never been clearer. Science tells us temperatures over 150 degrees will weaken hair elasticity, and that temperatures of 230 degrees can burn, even melt hair. Fact.

If you've ever pined over Meghan Markle's high-shine hair and wondered where it all went wrong for you, the answer is in the way you treat your strands. Science confirms: They're damaged. The truth is the better condition the hair is in, the more light it reflects and the shinier it appears. So if you've been mistreating your mane, it's time for a serious change.

While we all know how glossy natural hair can be, no one wants to give up highlights and hair dryers—and thankfully, you don't have to.


UNI Cosmetics Blog is fully dedicated to promoting articles on hair, make-up, nails, body, fashion and many other educative topics. All the topics, videos, photos are produced with a high commitment, by engaging professionals in each of the subject, with the aim to provide instructions for your daily style!