Make your beauty routine a bajillion times easier with these brilliant ideas.
Pick the right foundation. Ensure you're choosing the best shade of foundation by testing products on your neck — not your forearm or wrist. Get the tutorial at Buzzfeed.
Smudge Away Make your makeup look instantly sexier by smudging and softening your eyeliner. Get the tutorial at The Beauty Department.
Use highlighter. Apply highlighter to the inner corner of your eye and the centre of your eyelid to appear mroe awake, then add some just beneath your eyebrow to create an instant lift. Get the tutorial at Imgur.
Apply mascara the right way. Make your eyelahses longer and fulller by wiggling the applicator back and forth as you apply mascara to the top lashes. Then turn the brush vertically to precisely apply mascara to your bottom lashes.
Master Liquid Eyeliner. Use a small piece of scotch tape to flawlessly apply liquid eyeliner every time. Get the tutorial at Harper's Bazaar.
Shape your brows. Filling in your eyebrows doesn't have to be a lengthy process. Keep it simple by using a brow powder or pencil to define a bottom line, and then smudge upward and blend. Get the tutorial at Covergirl.
Cover under-eye circles. Colour-correcting makeup is one of the best ways to hide your skin's flaws, and this hack nails it. Use red lipstick followed by concealer to mask and hide under-eye circles. Get the tutorial at Painted Ladies.
Get perfectly lined lips. Define your cupid's bow with lip liner by creating an "X" shape. Doing this before lipstick will enhance your lip shape and ensure lipstick stays on longer.
Make your cheekbones pop. Use bronzer and brush in these exact spots to enhance your bone structure and emphasise cheekbones. Get the tutorial at Buzzfeed.
Fix a broken compact. Repair broken blush, eye shadow, bronzer, cover-up, and more with this genius idea. Use a little rubbing alcohol and plastic wrap to fix any broken compact. Get the tutorial at The Beauty Department.
The foolproof smokey eye. Create a smokey eye in two steps with this easy idea. use an eyeliner pencil or smudge stick to draw a hashtag sign on the outer corner of your eyelid, and then blend. Get the tutorial at Cosmopolitan.
Make lipstick last all day. Make your lipstick last hours longer by sealing it. Set lipstick by holding a tissue over lips and then lightly dusting translucent powder over the tissue. Get the tutorial at Lauren Conrad.
Set your makeup by baking it. Make your face glow and ensure your look lasts all day with this trendy technique, called "baking." By letting your makeup set and finishing with a translucent powder, your look will last longer. Get the tutorial at Cosmopolitan.
Make your products multitask. Use your favourite shade of lip liner or lipstick as a blush. Lightly apply the product on cheeks and blend - it is that easy! Get the tutorial at Sheknows. **