Hormone management
If you’re overweight, your doctor will probably suggest that you lose weight to reduce your hair growth. Obesity can change the way your body produces and processes hormones. Maintaining a healthy weight may correct your level of androgens without the use of medication.
You may need medical treatment if excessive hair growth is a symptom of PCOS or adrenal disorders. Drug therapy in the form of birth control pills and antiandrogen medications can help balance your hormone levels.
Antiandrogen medications: Steroidal androgens and nonsteroidal (or pure) antiandrogens can block androgen receptors and reduce androgen production from the adrenal glands, ovaries, and pituitary glands.
Combination birth control pills: These pills, which have both estrogen and progesterone, may help shrink the cysts from PCOS. The estrogen can also help reduce excess hair. These drugs are usually a long-term solution for hirsutism. You will most likely notice improvement after three to six months of drug therapy.
Your doctor may prescribe the cream eflornithine to reduce the growth of facial hair. Your facial hair growth should slow after one to two months. Side effects of eflornithine include skin rash and irritation.
Hair removal
Hair removal techniques are a nonmedical way to manage excessive or unwanted hair. These are the same hair removal methods that many women use to keep their legs, bikini line, and underarms free of hair.
Waxing, shaving, and depilatories: If you have hirsutism, you may need to be more proactive about waxing, shaving, and using depilatories (chemical foams). These are all pretty affordable and take effect immediately, but they require continual treatment. Shop for depilatories.
Laser hair removal: Laser hair removal involves using concentrated light rays to damage your hair follicles. Damaged follicles can’t produce hair, and the hair that’s present falls out. With sufficient treatments, laser hair removal can provide permanent or near-permanent results.
Electrolysis: Electrolysis is the removal of hair using an electric current. It treats each hair follicle individually, so the sessions can take longer.
Both laser hair removal and electrolysis can be expensive and require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. Some patients find these treatments uncomfortable or slightly painful.
Outlook for excessive or unwanted hair
Excessive or unwanted body and facial hair is a long-term challenge. Most women with diagnosed hormonal imbalances respond well to treatment, but the hair can grow back if your hormone levels become out of sync again. If the condition makes you self-conscious, counseling and support from friends and family can help you to cope.
Depending on the underlying cause and your choice of treatment, treating hirsutism may or may not be a lifelong commitment. Laser hair removal or electrolysis can provide more permanent results than shaving, waxing, or depilatories. Conditions that cause hirsutism, such as PCOS or adrenal gland disorders, may require lifelong treatment.
Source: healthline.com