Makeup Revolution 'Amazing Volume' Mascara - Vlerësim

I've said this before, but I've never delved into Makeup Revolution as a brand. I find the extent of their collection so intimidating, and there are so many different things to sift through and try out, and I never know where to start. I picked this mascara up a little while ago, and I've been giving it a good try to see how it performs, how it wears and what I think of it. Unfortunately, this is far from a favourite for me, and I don't think I'll be buying another mascara from this brand again without doing some research first!

This mascara retails for £2, and whilst that's far from high end, I do think that the high street offer some amazing mascara options for very little more money - I still love the Natural Collection mascaras that come in at £1.99! So I feel like brands do need to be pretty strong with their releases in order to keep up. I liked the idea of this focussing on volume, and I was excited to see how much volume this could create and hold. As you may be able to tell from the picture, quite a lot of product tends to come out of the tube with the brush, which gets messy and can get clumpy. I thought this would be something that went away the drier the formula became, but it hasn't. You have to really work at getting this to look nice, and even then the effect doesn't last the way I'd expect it to.

And the Mess?

Because it takes a lot of time to get this to look how you'd want, you end up using a lot of product. This in turn makes taking it off a bit of a pain. I rarely wear this in addition to eye shadow to avoid the intricate clean-up operation. I don't think this adds a tonne of volume to my eyelashes; even with an eyelash curler they can look ok, but like I said it never really lasts. This also has a habit of flaking a bit throughout the day, and wiping away bits of mascara from your face can get ridiculously annoying. It also has that weird unscented scent of chemicals, which I don't like putting near my eyes.

So all in all, this isn't a great mascara in my opinion. I would recommend looking into something else instead, but if you still want to try it and see if you can make it work then £2 isn't going to set you back very far. Mascaras are such a personal thing, so this may very well work for you. Let me know how it goes!

*This product can be found at UNI Cosmetics stores with a price of €2,29.

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