Çfarë i shkakton buzët e plasaritura?

Find yourself constantly wondering, “Why are my lips so dry?” It’s helpful to know the main dry lip causes — especially if you’re trying to prevent them. According to the Mayo Clinic, cold, dry weather, dehydration, and licking your lips are three common culprits of dry, chapped lips. The Cleveland Clinic further cites that sun exposure and contact with an allergen can also cause lips to be chapped.

How Can You Heal Chapped Lips?

There is plenty you can do to help prevent chapped lips in the first place, per the Mayo Clinic.

Maintaining a lip care routine meant for dry lips will help keep them hydrated, smooth, and chap-free. If your lips are already chapped, and you’re looking for ways to minimize it, we’ve got you covered there, too. Follow the tips below whether you want to avoid chapping altogether or are looking to minimize the effect dry air has had on your pout.

Tip 1. Stop Licking Your Lips

You may be tempted to do this out of habit or because you think it’s sexy, but licking your lips can actually make them drier — and that’s not sexy at all! It may give you temporary relief but it’s only causing long term problems. There are much better things to hydrate your lips with than saliva.

Tip 2. Breathe Through Your Nose

This may sound silly, but hear us out: Breathing through your mouth causes moisture inside to dry out, which in turn makes your lips dry. As the Mayo Clinic recommends, it’s best to breathe through your nose in order to help prevent chapped lips.

Tip 3. Exfoliate Your Lips

If you have dead skin cells on the surface of your lips, this could prevent lip conditioners from being able to do their thing. So, scrub away buildup by exfoliating your pout, and you’ll be left with lips that feel fresh and look smoother.

Tip 4. Keep Lip Balm Handy

Right after you exfoliate, you should apply a hydrating lip balm. During the daytime, consider opting for a balm that’s formulated with not only nourishing oils but also broad-spectrum sunscreen. While you may not realize it, the sun can burn your lips, contributing to chapping.

Tip 5. Stay Hydrated

That’s right — a lack of hydration inside your body can affect your lips, according to the Mayo Clinic. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and your lips — and the rest of your body — will be better for it. 

Source: L'Oréal

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