Navigating uneven tone and achieving an ideal skin texture can be difficult. From rough skin to flakiness to sunburn, it’s no secret that there are numerous skin concerns that can occur and various different methods that are supposed to help promote an even, smooth skin texture.
One concern that may be affecting your complexion is orange peel skin. If you’ve heard of the term (and if you haven’t) and want to learn more about what it really means — or how to address it — you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’re sharing what orange peel skin is, what causes it and how to switch up your skin care routine to help improve its appearance.
What Is Orange Peel Skin?
Orange peel skin is just what you’re likely thinking it is — skin that has a similar texture to that of an orange peel. Orange peels aren’t totally smooth, they have small dots that are indented all over them. While orange peel skin isn’t actually orange in color — it does have dots that resemble those on an orange. It involves thicker, dimpled skin that has enlarged pores and a rough texture.
What Causes Orange Peel Skin?
Orange peel skin doesn’t have one root cause. There are various reasons someone might be dealing with this skin care concern, one of the most common being sun damage. The Skin Cancer Foundation states sun exposure can cause textural changes that result in a leather-looking appearance, like orange peel skin. If you have orange peel skin on your face, this is likely to be the source.
However, this skin concern on your body may be something else. The Mayo Clinic explains that cellulite causes a dimpled or bumpy skin texture, and is often described as having an orange peel texture. This is most common on the thighs and buttocks.