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When it comes to sunscreen, we’re constantly stressing the importance of wearing it daily, year-round. That emphasis on protecting our skin from the sun has never been felt more than this summer with the eagerness to get outside and indulge in activities that were unavailable to us this time last year. And while you’re likely familiar with traditional sunscreen lotions, there are other forms of SPF you may not be aware of, each with its own benefits. If you’d like to explore some of the other options out there, keep reading for eight types of sunscreens you might not have considered (but should) to keep you protected all year long!

  1. Powder Sunscreen

First up, let’s talk about powder sunscreen. Yes, sunscreen comes in powder form! One of the pros of using powder sunscreen is that, just like face powder, they typically offer a light amount of coverage. This makes them a great option for applying sunscreen to your face, not to mention the powder formula will keep your face from appearing shiny if you begin to glisten from sweat. Other benefits include that they’re easy to use for reapplying your sunscreen throughout the day, and they can be used on hard to protect spots, like your hair part.

  1. Foundation

If you prefer your sun protection to come with coverage you can use a foundation with SPF.

  1. Primer

Foundation isn’t the only makeup product that can be formulated with SPF. If you want to wear sunscreen under makeup, you may find that makeup primer is the sunscreen option for you. Primers with SPF help to blur lines and imperfections, increase your makeup look’s lifespan (if you’re wearing any), and protect your skin from the sun.

  1. Moisturizer

Speaking of skin care products that can double as sunscreen, moisturizer is another option to consider. Moisturizer with SPF provides the two-in-one benefits of hydrating your complexion while also protecting it against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays.

  1. Sunscreen Oil

The opposite of powder sunscreen, this type of sunscreen comes in an oil form. Much like body oil, it’s typically ultra-hydrating and will leave your skin with a moisturized glow. Thanks to its format, it’s a lot easier to blend onto your skin than many other formulas. It’s also a great option if you’re looking for a sunscreen that won’t leave a white cast.

How to use it: Using sunscreen oil is easy. Simply dispense a bit of the oil into your hand, rub your palms together, and massage the oil over your skin.

  1. Sunscreen Gel

Last but not least, turn your attention to sunscreen gel. As you can imagine, this sunscreen comes in gel form, similar to the aloe vera you apply after a sunburn. This type of sunscreen has a clear formula, making it another option ideal for those who don’t want to deal with a white cast. The gel texture goes on smooth and easy, seamlessly blending onto your skin. Sunscreen? What sunscreen? They’re also great for hairy areas like the chest and scalp, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Via: L'Oréal

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